Cinephil Store
Update on the preorder

As you probably know, our partner Cinephil Store has been placed in liquidation. 

First of all, please know that we are sorry for what is happening to Cinephil.
We wish the whole team the best for the future. 

IIt is obvious that we cannot leave a commercial and friendly relationship of more than 10 years like this, Cinephil having always supported Tsume, and ourselves having excellent memories during visits to the store with all of you.

We have therefore decided, in agreement with Cinephil, to recover current Tsume pre-orders in order to support its customers. All orders will be fulfilled, with prior agreement from customers regarding the transfer.

 This is how this transfer will happen :

- Cinephil will contact all its customers with one or more pre-orders in progress to offer them the transfer.

- Once the customer agrees, Cinephil transfers the information to Tsume.

- If the customer does not have a Tsume account, we create one and add the parts to pre-orders at Cinephil, under Cinephil's initial conditions.

         Ex: If the customer paid a 20% deposit to Cinephil, the amount to be paid                   to Tsume will be 80%               
              If the customer has paid 100% to Cinephil, the amount to be paid
              will be 0

- The balance will be paid under the same conditions as at Cinephil, namely upon availability of the order.

Ex: I paid 20% deposit, my order is available. Tsume charges me the                                remaining 80%. As soon as these are settled and my address                                      confirmed, my part is sent to me.

 -  Please note, if the order transfer to Tsume is refused, the deposit paid to Cinephil is lost.

 - If the order is canceled after transfer, the deposit paid to Cinephil is also lost and cannot be claimed back from Tsume.

 To summarize, you do not need to take any action with Tsume.Cinephil will contact you and then provide us with your data. We will get back to you once the pre-order transfer is complete.

Finally, and to be very clear, if we act in this way regarding Cinephil, please do not consider that we can do the same every time and for all the stores in danger, this has a real financial impact that we must each time consider. Please note that your deposits paid to Cinephil are not transferred to Tsume.

This measure is therefore exceptional.

Tsume Team

Tsume Evolution
Towards a reduction of delivery times